Saturday, August 1, 2009


The other day went out with Mr. Fuzzy, again he gave me some free lesson of life. This time he talked about.. "The more you like the person, the more you want, the more you want then the more you expect, when it gets to the time the more you expect, it's the time you'll lose the person."
Ok.. conclusion? What should we be really doing? Don't love so you get the person? Don't expect? Don't want from the person? Hmmm.... Contradiction? If you like the person, of course you will expect more right... Because you care. Unless you don't care, then u won't expect anything, and you wouldn't want anything from the person. Then you get the person who you don't like. =.=
What kind of so lame but yet so TRUE theory is that. Anyway, i do agree with what he has said to me. It does happen all the time.