I saw this sentence, "we need to have racial acceptance, not racial tolerance." This two words woke me up, all these while.... we've been talking about tolerance, in relationship, family, friendship... Being together with another person is all about "tolerance". Tolerance works, but it's suffering. We need to learn Acceptance. If we can accept it, that means we're facing the fact and admit the fact. We are ready to either take it or leave it. A relationship between two person, we need to learn to accept each other, it's not just tolerate. We all do understand acceptance in family relationship, we accept who our family members are, no matter how they behave, what they're doing. I'm not a good daughter, but i do love my family, i didn't get flying colors of results for my family to show off, i was not a genius, i coudln't sing like birds nor run like leopard in school so that my parents can show off to their friends. But... they accepted me as their daughter. They never complaint, they never kicked me out from the house, they accepted who i am. This is all about acceptance instead of tolerance. In a female-male relationship, i guess most of us are mis-lead to tolerate each other, we actually need to accept him/her as who he/she is. If she's a slut, and u choose to be with her, don't tolerate with her that she's a slut, you have to accept that she's a slut. You're sleeping with a slut who also slept with many other guys too and you still love her. Then you'll be still feel happy f**king her every night. =D