Friday, July 11, 2008

It's all about Sex and The City

It's all about Sex and the City! I love this show, it gives us a lot of insights. At least i can relate it to myself a lot, i'm a typical "Carrie", just that i don't write as good as her, and i don't own a MacBook Pro to blog. I have the drama just like Carrie & Big. I have the kind heart like Carrie... we love to forgive idiots again & again. To the girls... The fashion, the shoes, the hair... there's so much wows..

Wow! (Do u think anyone can have a big flower on the shoulder and still looks this cool?)

Woww! (Do you think anyone can wear the curtains out and still look this hawt?)

Wowww! (I'm so gonna be like her when i'm a pregger!)

Other than those, the friendships between the four girls deeply touched my heart. Never giving up each other, always be there for each other, shopping together, especially the sex-talk tea time!!

Don't you just love them?

The lucky assistant who get an LV bag! Omg! I wanna be one too.

The end... She's married happily ever after. Do keep in mind. Fairy tales doesn't exist.

Remember about Miranda and Steve? People used to doubt each other, we don't trust each other, we keep asking ourselves... how are we going to make sure the other half won't repeat the same mistake if we forgive them? We can't be sure, we have to take the risk. Will u take the risk? It's your choice... no regrets.


Ron Jerem Lee said...

so hows the ending? any nudity ah?

Lizzie da Cookie said...

Banyak nudity! u would love it. And hate urself why don't u live in NY.

aMiKo said...

Sigh...If we choose to trust,we might get hurt but if we choose not to trust,we will never know the truth...Sad but true...hmm...